
Below you'll find our preliminary info.

Low-cost accommodation

Low price means you can share a bigger space with other people in your own sleeping bag. Con is arranging a cheap floor accomodation in Valorinne (Kyllöläntie 16, Jyväskylä) The prices are 7Eur/night (14Eur 2 nights) + until 24.6 one can reserve accomodation only for 2 nights. Email your information (name, age, e-mail, address, phonenumber) and questions to tiina.takkunen [at] You will get more information. Contact soon!


We have made very good deals with some hotels in the area, and reserved rooms for only Finncon and Animecon guests. Please note that all rooms should bee booked before 20th May! Mention Finncon07 when booking to get the room and the discount. There is another big fair in Jyväskylä in the same time, so please book early so you'll get your rooms!
Summer hotel Amis is closest to the con site, about 6-7 blocks away from the University. Summer hotel Rentukka is about 2km (a nice walk, good bus connections) from the University, in the student village. Hostel Laajari is about 4km from the University in a peaceful area, with good bus connections.

Summer hotel Amis

Sepänkatu 3, 40100 Jyväskylä
phone +358 14 443 0100, fax +358 14 443 0121


Prices include breakfast and sauna.

Bookings have to be made by 20th May! Mention Finncon07 when booking to get the discount.

Summer hotel Rentukka

Taitoniekantie 9, 40740 Jyväskylä
phone +358 14 607 237, fax +358 14 607 270


Prices include breakfast.

Bookings have to be made by 20th May! Mention Finncon07 when booking to get the discount.

Hostel Laajari

Oops! We had the wrong hotel here for a while, this means there was hotel Rantasipi instead of hotel Laajari mentioned. They are in the same place and we got confused when updating in the night. We apologise!

Laajavuorentie 15
40740 Jyväskylä
phone +358 14 624 885


Prices include breakfast, linens, towel and evening sauna. Hostel Laajari has a self-serve kitchen and a laundry room.

Bookings have to be made by 20th May! Mention Finncon07 when booking to get the discount.

Free accommodation

Ask for a free accommodation on the sofa/floor of a fellow SF-fan.
If you live near Jyväskylä and your apartment has free space, offer us a chance to fill it!
Contact Paula Tulppo if you need a free accomodation!